I started a different, public blog. I won’t talk about my feelings or any torrid secrets over in that space. It’s all about my favorite moments in life, tv, movies, books, etc. A celebration more than anything.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop writing something all together. My physical voice is way too weak to stand up for what’s on my mind. I was out tonight, and I can already tell I’ll be completely hoarse tomorrow. But written words? They can last forever. Be re-read. Savored.

But I digress. Life is going along just like it does. Ups and downs. Surprises. I smell a huge upswing. I’m ready to ride the wave up.

I don’t know if I’ll continue Tales of Goodness and Light. I think even the premise was fabricated on something I’m not. The idea and intention was valid. I wanted to share. It was my form of therapy. But along the way I could say what I was really thinking. I let myself be censored by my own invention. And I’d rather celebrate life than analyze the hell out of it.


James Wolk

Future Husband Nominee #5 - James Wolk

Oh James Wolk. How cute are you? True, you’re a younger man, but you have the soulful eyes of a wiser generation. And your voice! I’ll be watching Lonestar every week, just to see you smile (and to see you take your shirt off). You can con me anytime.

Silence is both comforting and disconcerting. Both relaxing and horrifying. I wonder how many things in the world have as many double connotations as silence? (And yes, I do wonder a lot)

We love it and hate it. We want it and avoid it. If you were Silence, wouldn’t you be a little pissed? A little bi-polar?

And why is it that silence can at times convey so much more than words?

I’m not really a fan of Silence. I prefer the cousins – Calm, Soothing, Serene. They don’t have all those nasty double connotations. I’ve always said whats on my mind (most of it anyway). Silence to me always seemed like so much more work.


I’m on this precipice of substantial changes. The rocks are crumbling underneath my feet. Whether I want it or not, the changes are coming. Someone might as well push me over, for all I enjoy the inevitability of it all. I look down, and I get nauseous. I can’t see the bottom or the ground. I see this thick grey haze covering the landscape. Will I land on another cliff? Will I fall down the rabbit hole? Will I drown is this vast sea of shifting tides?

I smell it. Everywhere I go. I feel it from my bones to my eyelashes. A swirl of wind brushes around me, and I can hear its whispers taunting me. It’s coming, the wind whispers to me. Like it or not, it’s coming.

And then the dreams started. It’s a similar pattern. Successes followed by whirlwind of social activity, followed by a plunge of disaster, marred by a crisis or two, and then a big shift. The cycle starts all over again.

Like the Asgardians in an endless cycle of Ragnarök. I don’t know how to break the circle, only survive the circle. I feel like I need the beach, or these wide endless spaces. Space for my mind to wander free, space for my soul to sing songs.

Those are all the clues you get.


I will be back to more-or-less regular updates soon. I have too much work to do to actually write about or experience much interesting in life. I’m trying to see what can I say no to. Fight to balance the work/life ratio. I guess the big brands don’t care so much if you have work/life balance. The brands keep ticking, keep selling, keep moving. It’s like being on call, but not ever saving the world.

So I’ve decided I don’t want to do advertising for the rest of my life. Or for that much longer.


Instead of the diatribe I have swimming in my head on the salacious and rather mischievous mood I’m in, I’ll leave you with this…

“In dreams and in life, nothing is impossible.”


I went to my 10-year High School Reunion this past weekend. I traversed down to my former home of San Antonio, TX for the affair.

Hesitation, trepidation, apathy and so many other feelings ran amok inside my mind leading up to the event. Who would I see? Would I want to see them? Would they want to see me? Would I recognize everyone? Do I even care? Do they care? Is my job cooler than theirs? Did they get fat? Am I trying to prove something?

With zero and infinite expectations, I went through with it. I went shopping at North Park before my trek. I bought the perfect shirt. The perfect jeans. The new cologne. I was staying at the right hotel (around the corner and 4-diamond). I planned on getting good and drunk with some of my old HS friends. Screw the baby talk I had stamped on my proverbial mental forefront. Let’s get drunk and talk about crazy HS times.

I rolled up, and the first people I see? The former Prom Queen and her best friend. I didn’t recognize them. They had gained more than a few pounds, and not in a sultry way. And who next? oooohh. How about my Senior Prom Date? Oh yes, the one I danced with once and ditched because I thought she was a bitch, and I was in a fight with the Methodist Mafia? (She just moved to NY with her hairless-arm husband, and is recording an album) Hugs ensued. Apparently, her memory of that prom had been glossed over for the positive.

From there, it was an endless stream of the following: 1. People I liked (and hugged and spoke to a bit) 2. People I didn’t recognize 3. People who recognized me, but I didn’t recognize them 4. People I recognized, but I’d rather suck goat balls than talk with and 5. People I gave a casual wave, and we’d say hello if our proximity required it and finally, 6. People I very much did recognize, but they got gloriously fat.

I spent most of the night glued to one of my HS best friends and her husband. She hadn’t changed a bit, which made me exceptionally happy. While she shared her encounters since we last saw each other (at her wedding), I watched the people around me. The old cliques that still clicked. The random “others” that were friends with everyone. I wondered where I fit into the mix.

But isn’t that what High School is all about? Where do I belong? The answer hit me today. It was so much self-awareness, I nearly threw up. I had plenty of friends in high school. Most of the school knew me. I was super involved. And, I was an asshole. Yes, I was a High School Asshole.

Some of you may be thinking, “You were an asshole? Don’t you mean you are an asshole?” Well fuck you very much, and the crusty vajayjay that birthed you. But yes, both may be true. However, back in High School, I was a different species of Asshole.

I was the boy that told the popular dancer that she should shave her mustache.
I was the boy who scaled the fence with his friends and wrote POOP all over the windows.
I was the boy who staged a coo against the forces of the Methodist Mafia.
I was the boy who dumped TB right before the Homecoming Dance because she was boring, and then proceeded to take my friend Alli, and then showed up at the same after-party where TB was, even though she didn’t even go to the dance.
I was the boy who had so many male-mums at homecoming, I couldn’t put on my backpack.
I was the boy who didn’t recognize the fact that he was an asshole.
I was the boy who was told by his first (and at the time) only friend at a brand new high school that he was too nice for her to be friends with, and apparently this damaged my subconscious mind, so it decided to subtlety prove her wrong for two and a half years.
I was the boy who won best eyes, best special features (dimples) and was nicknamed “Prince Ryan”.

Douche. Seriously.

I can’t defend myself. I can only recognize and correct. I did good too. I volunteered A LOT. I worked with kids. I was a PAL. I was a young HS spoiled G/T kid who didn’t know what to do with himself. I started a Film Society. I won awards. I didn’t have a fucking clue who I was.

If I could, I’d have a coffee with my HS-self. I’d give him some advice. I’d tell him not to worry about impressing anyone. I’d tell him to be confident and strong. I’d tell him not to worry about the gay thing, it would work out, and that he should have slept with CL instead of just making out with him in the firehouse (because damn, CL was HOT). But most importantly, I would tell him to be careful with people’s feelings. Be careful not to inflict hurt carelessly or without reason. Try to be a balanced person. And that it’s okay not to be “From Anywhere”. You can be a Nowhere Boy and not worry about it. You can make home be everywhere and nowhere.

And maybe he would tell 20-something, Advertising-fueled me the same thing. And maybe I would listen.

Or maybe I wouldn’t. But damn, I’ll try.


I haven’t had the chance to experience the thrill of leaping out of an airplane. But I’ve decided to make a list and run through it all as fast as I can.

1. Sky dive
2. Get a tattoo – a phoenix symbol on my left wrist
3. Get a TV show created
4. Publish a comic book
5. Publish a novel
6. Write and create a movie
7. Win a film award (preferably an Oscar)
8. Get married
9. Have a son or daughter
10. Buy a house
11. Buy a beach house
12. Build my own bookcase
13. Build my own lamp(s)
14. Go on Safari in Africa
15. Visit the Amazon
16. Go white water rafting
17. Visit the pyramids (go inside!)
18. Visit Greece, Australia, Italy
19. Learn Italian
20. Learn Piano

20 is a good start. I know at least four of them will be happening before the end of the year. Maybe I can squeeze in 10 before 2011?

The beauty of wrapping up your list, is creating a new one. 🙂


Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far far far away from here.

That kept playing through my head Wednesday night. It echoed off my lips. The words formed and found substance as the vibrations hit the air. I felt a direct line to something divine, and I hoped against hope he was listening. A small part of me half expected to sprout wings and fly out through my car window. I couldn’t help but repeat it over and over as I drove home from the Emergency Room a little after Midnight.

The phone call wasn’t the opening shot, but it went for the jugular. My Mom called. They took my dad from his physical therapy facility back to the ER. He was hallucinating and talking to someone who wasn’t even there. My heart dropped into my knees. I got the full story while my mom rushed to the ER to be with him. She called me again shortly after, while I was at a work dinner. He was having tremors, and his eyes were rolling back into his head. Flashbacks of finding him near death in his chair plagued me. I sped over to the ER as fast as I could go. He barely knew I was there. I cussed out a bitchy nurse so badly, she almost had me escorted from the hospital. All of this on top of the searing, steaming load of 80-hour work weeks and excessive travel I’d been expected to pull off.

To say Wednesday was a low point is like saying the Grand Canyon is a crack in a sidewalk. My body/mind/soul were in epic-style turmoil.

It takes those low points for you to realize how important small human niceties really are. How important your relationships are with other people. And in a devastating way, those low points remind you that you are not super-human. You are not invulnerable. You are a weak, fragile human who has to deal with the cruel twists fate likes to toss about.

I don’t think I’ve ever typed those words about myself in my life. The truth washed over my as I was saying my prayer to flee. It was as humbling as it was powerful. I didn’t enjoy it, but the universe didn’t care. So much of this year has been life shoving loads of fire down my throat and then saying, “Hope it doesn’t burn on the way down.”

But what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger right? I think a better lesson is – put life into perspective. Smile more often. Hug more often. Reciprocate good feelings. We get caught up in the hum-drum muddle of everyday drama, we forget to take a step back. My dad’s ailments over the past seven weeks have forced me into perspective. Drug me out of the matrix before I was ready. The real world stings, but at least I know it’s real. And I’m so thankful for the goodness in it when and where it happens.

This is my 100th post, and it took me forever to write it. I wanted to make it a happy note. A triumphant story about me achieving my goals. But when the words “Dear God, make me a bird…” came out of my mouth, I knew it has always been about my truths and my inner workings, not the projection I’d like to share.

So I look forward to the next hundred, hoping for more goodness and a whole lot of light. But even if there is only a touch, I’ll revel in it. I’ll hold onto it. I’ll cherish it for all that it’s worth.

God, I want to change my prayer. I don’t need to be a bird. Just help me keep being human, and remind me all the good that comes with it.


I’ll be in NYC Wednesday-Saturday night. I get Sunday to rest (and work). Fly to Vegas Monday morning and right back that night.

Therefore, I won’t have the time to blog much over the next week or so.

I’m working on a new adventure. I’ll post more soon.
